Entrecard Top Droppers for May 2009 - Good News for Entrecarders!
I say thanks in advance to all my friend who has been a top dropper for May 2009. In this post I will announce the awards in addition to friends who became top droppers, I also brought good news from the entrecard.com for all users. This day I received notification via email about 2nd payment on request cashout from entrecard. not much, around $ 2 that I received. Some time later I received a newsletter from entrecard.com which contains news both for the entrecard users.
Two big announcements today.
Cashout Apps Approved!
First and most importantly, all the cashout applications have now been dealt with and either approved or denied. Thank you for being patient with us while we tested in the Beta Phase, worked out the kinds, and got the whole thing spinning. Hopefully you can start earning some money! and to help you get started...
Drops will count for 2 credits today!
That's right, for today only, drops will earn you TWO credits, and the receiving blog will get 0 credits. So, if there was ever a day to drop some cards, find some blogs you love, or even read some old favorites, here's a great excuse to do it!
Big Change to the Ad Network: Only Entrecard Blogs
Moving forward, we're making a big chance to the Ad Network. From here on out, only Active Entrecard Members can advertise via our ad network. We listened carefully to all your feedback during the trial phases of our ad network, and one thing that kept recurring is that you only wanted bloggers and other Entrecarders advertising on your widget. So, we're going ahead and making that change. From now on, the only advertisers approved into the Entrecard Ad Network will be advertising an Entrecard blog with an Entrecard Widget, just the way you like it!
And they are 10 friends who has been top droppers for May 2009
Finally, Thanks again and see ya in next month.
I see that I've not in your top droppers.. heheehe wajar ajah kesini ajah sekali-sekali.. wkwkwkwk. Thanks infonya mas
wahh... aku gak masuk top dropper hiks..