Awareness of Uptime Monitoring at your website.
If you curious how powerful your webpage is, just visit You'll find an interesting way to compare your webpage speed and size against other webpage. You just have to write down two webpage addresses in the provided box and click GO. And then, the result will appear. I've done this and I found that my webpage has less speed than my friend’s. The result opened my mind. After I spent few days to fix some bug in my webpage and increase the maintenance on it, I found that my webpage speed is faster now. You should try the uptime monitoring, just in case you forget to maintain your webpage.
This website offers you two kind of membership, FREE and PAID. If you just want to know your website’s power using the uptime monitoring, you can use free membership. All member (FREE & PAID) will be able to receive alert from uptime monitoring when their website are down. So, the premium member will always get alert from uptime monitoring whenever their websites are down, and they can make some actions to fix the problem faster than ever. It only costs $5 per month to have a premium membership there. So, why don’t you start to use uptime monitoring at your website now? Remember, downtime will destroy your credibility, expensive and waste your time.
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