
Atom use Nvidia

Saturday, January 10, 2009 Leave a Comment

NvidiaRecently this GPU manufacturer launched their newest product, GeForce 9400 of + Intel Atom the platform (that they mentioned the Ion) that will bring your netbook could put the graphic performance forward. This product will replace chipset GMA Intelligence 945 (like to ASUS N10J, only in N10J could be replaced with Intelligence or Nvidia 9300M, now for this new Nvidia product only could use Nvidia). Nvidia indeed not lanned to make netbook you to like gaming laptop, but at least Nvidia tried to carry out the breakthrough so that the users Nvidia could enjoy the graphic capacity through the smaller platform, in this case was netbook. And whether this technology that will be used by netbooks in the future ?

According to the explanation from Nvidia, Ion could increase the graphic performance and the video transcoding from Atom Intelligence to 10 fold times. Did you have problems with the operation system that was too difficult to your netbook ? This newest Nvidia product offered the performance to run the newest operation system although like the Vista or Windows 7. The system was based on this Ion also could handle content HD and processed output went through HDMI.

A step by being released by this platform of Ion, Nvidia also introduced Pico-ITX and motherboard to nettop that combined GeForce 9400M with atomic Intelligence inside. Nvidia was seen did not yet ask the partner vendor netbook whatever until this to carry their newest product, that was clear Nvidia will begin to market the Ion in the middle of the first year 2009. was curious? Wait for the demonstration
from Nvidia.


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