How To Get Free RapidShare Premium Account - Part1
In my previous post about New Look RapidShare Premium Account Dashboard I promise to share about How to get RapidShare Premium Account for free and legal ways. In this post, I will share about the part how to get Premium RapidShare Account with redeem Points, to get the points you must have a collector account. If you have Collector account, you can get points each time a Free Users downloads your files.
What are rapid Points? Each time a Free Users downloads your files, you gain points. You get a RapidPoint for each download, provided that the file is bigger than 5 megabyte and the user has not generated more than 3 RapidPoints in the last hour. Your files have to be stored in the Collector's Zone or the Premium Zone so that we can assign the download to your account.
RapidPoints can be exchanged for a Premium Account, or to extend your Premium membership. For this, you can go to the menu option "Redeem RapidPoints" in the Free Zone or Premium Zone. How to create Collector Account? OK lets begin!
Create a Collector Account
Visit upload a litle file, e.g. txt file like this:
After the file was successfully uploaded, it will show the link to create a collector account like the picture below.
Click the link and fill in the fields that are available.
After pressing the button "Create Account Collector" will be taken to the next page as below.
Congratulations, now you have the collectors account. And next, login on the collector zone.
Collector account login page:
The next step, upload your files, copy the link and share it to other people so that they download. then automatically, the more you downloaded the file, the faster your point increase, and the more quickly you get the Premium Account.
Below is an example screenshot my collectors account. With the point of that, I can switch with 7 premium account. 10000 points = 1 month premium account. You interested? please try!!!
What Next?
In next part, I will share another ways to get Premium Account for free, keep visit and feel free to share with me!
nice post broo, but what the meaning : Money earned with winning new customers: 12 Euro (6 RefererPoints. Exchange-Rate: 2 Euro pro RefererPoint) ??? :D
wew nice trick... i like it.. :)
Bagus nih boss.. Cuman kapan dan bijimana biar point ane bisa sampe 10.000 ..??
wedew ini beneran bisa working yah .. tapi mesti collect poin repot juga yak .. but nice trik ;)
koq ane masih gak ngerti yah...
ane coba dolo ya om
To Be honest, I was not really amazed at the start but as soon as I finished reading the entire post, I really learned a lot. Thanks!