Interactive Multimedia Firm

Saturday, May 30, 2009 Leave a Comment

As we know, it doesn’t need much person to have a firm. But it sure can be reliable, depends on how serious they work and how professional they are, especially their management. As for Richter Studios, they had proved themselves to be the best High-end corporate video productions firm, judging by their plenty of award-winning web experiences and interactive applications for dozens of Fortune 500 firms Corporate Video over the years. There were 15 private firms which started in 1997 as a prominent of animation and interactive boutique, Richter Studios has developed to expand multimedia firm with technology trends directly. And for over a decade Richter Studios has carried out this creed and of January 2009, the company has opened branches in 26 states and 9 countries.

For their multimedia offers, client can hired Richter Studios to made their Corporate Video in high-definition resolution, scriptwriting, and they also providing it with talent selection. Richter Studios also provides a wide range of web offerings, including web design using Flash, HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL, XHTML and content management. Even more, they served their client with photography assistment, interactive design and display. It's about how many great people you have, and Richter Studio has a world-class team who is genuinely committed to give their excellent service." said David Richter as the Co-Founder explicitly.

Not just dealing with Corporate Video only, recently the two Richter sister’s started new companies – named Richter Bros. Pictures, which concentrate in autonomous appearance and documentaries and there’s also Richter Stock, which provides stock footage - have lately show up to confirmed the company's global offerings Richter Bros. Pictures has indeed already released it's first motion picture. So, let them think of your Corporate Video and make it as the most interactive Corporate Video as your wish.


  • draxc0la said:  

    akhirnya beres juga zies :D kerjaan nya :)

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