In the morning before I fad some images using CorelDraw for complement in my posting about Entrecard Top Droppers, there was some variation in the images I create. Removed from the image useless, it is better I share here. for images that need to be included in the posting Entrecard please feel free to grab my collections below and I hope you like it, 100% free!

Very nice graphics!
I don't do Top Droppers posts, but these images almost make me wish I did :-)
Thanks mate :)
Those are amazing. I need to get the full version of Corel (i forget which one I downloaded). I love trying to make logos and such.
Brilliant images! Well done!
Thanks Colin :) I'm very appreciate it.
Thank you for sharing with us your work. I can't wait to post my EC Top Droppers next month and use your graphic.
You rock!
Thanks, i'm waiting to see my image in your post next mounth, and ofc you can delete my link in that images. Hope i can create more image for share :)
great images
Thanks m8 :)
wah bagus imagesnya EC. bikin yang bukan top dropper buat ditaruh di atas ec ku itu dong
it's good job broo
nice work !... I prefer the last design. it's unique and cool
Very nice thank you !!
You're welcome :)
I see you no longer have the entrecard widget...did you decide to give up on EC and if so, why?
Thx... i use it for my Top 10 entrecard droppers post... really really thx...